About Me

Thursday 23 September 2010

In this image the main focus is the boy in the bath tub. 

The walls, the sink, the tub and the taps all look dirty and like they are rusting. To fit in with the setting, the campaigners made the heading containing the channel, date and programme look in place by making it look scruffy and tattered. The effect of this is it fits in so the atmosphere of filth and breakages remains strong,

For modern day Britain it is rare and unlikely for anybody to be living in the conditions pictured, and this is what tells me the boy does not live in this house. 

In a way the bath tub is a prop used by the character and for him  to get in there in its filth shows me the boy must have some issues. The fact his eyes are open underwater also reiterates my judgement.

The character has an empty look on his face which to me shows he's in deep thought. As the image takes place in a bathroom, a room of privacy, it also tells me the problems he has are not of the kind he can share with other people.

The colours in the picture are quite cold, greens and greys to illustrate loneliness, melancholy and depression.

There's is a shine from the shower head on the bath indicating the use of artificial light which implements a sense of lifelessness and again coldness.
The main focus of the picture is a young girl sitting on a bed in her underwear. Her head is tilted up and her facial expression is a distant, disappointed and tired one. This, along with the background, could indicate she has just done something she regrets. This could also be the reason why she has separated herself from the boy she was sharing a bed with.

The image is shot using .... to focus on the girl more. The boy behind her is wearing a hat and glasses; the stereotypical attire of a shy, reserved person as they both can act as a mask to shield him from other. The boy is looking at the girl which subliminally influences the audience into focusing on her aswell

The setting looks like an abandoned parent's bedroom. I assume this because of the double bed, best suited for two. The wall paper peeling off the walls also looks quite old fashioned as does the vintage style lamp behind her. It also suggests the house has been neglected. There is both natural light from the shining through the window panes and artificial light from the lamp. This implies it has been an all night party which is still going as by her legs there are people still kissing.

The character isn't wearing much clothing which gives the immediate impression the programme has sexual themes and is aimed at an young adults / adults. She is made to look a mess with her shawl-type-thing hanging off one shoulder and her stockings full of holes. The costume does reflect the conventions of an all night party; being a rough night.

The character does not give the camera eye contact and therefore doesn't engage or entice the audience at home however this draws viewers to look deeper into the image and observe the goings on around her.

Her body language is quite simple, she is sitting on the bed which must mean she's thinking about what she's going to do. She has an arched back showing she has poor posture indicating she's either too tired to sit up straight or that she wasn't brought up to do so. She's also resting one arm on her leg, again reiterating she's tired.

There is no real use of props in the image apart from perhaps the bed she shared with the boy behind her.

The purpose of this advertisement is to invite and gather an audience for the television series. Its desired effect is to reach out, relate and entertain an audience through its themes which they have tried to display in the advertisement.